Agrochemicals & Fertilizers

At Quimidroga's Agrochemicals and Fertilizers' unit we have an extensive range of products capable of optimising the growth process of crops and adapting to the different requirements of the soil, the climate and the type and vital moment of the plant. Furthermore, the agricultural sector is conditioned by a multitude of external factors that affect the growth process of crops, which is why we also distribute products that protect the crop against these threats. In addition, we have a specialised team, a wide range of references and the possibility of supplying products in any type of packaging, which allows us to offer solutions to the requirements of our clients, the fertilizer formulators.


Raw materials for Agrochemicals & Fertilizers 

Any plant absorbs minerals from soil and water and converts them into organic compounds necessary for its growth and development. The yield and quality of crops depend on the availability of nutrients and water.

Our catalogue of raw materials for agrochemicals and fertilizers is composed of a wide range of soluble fertilizers and additives for the formulation of agrochemicals allowing to obtain better yields as well as to improve product quality.

Likewise, we have a growing range of natural sustainable products and non-chemical processes for organic farming.


Raw material applications for Agrochemicals and Fertilizers  

Searching for the best solutions in the continuous improvement of the production tool allows us to offer our clients the latest scientific advances in precision farming for the manufacture of crop fertilizers and solid and liquid fertilizers.

Raw materials for Agrochemicals & Fertilizers

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